Sunday, 13 December 2015

Weekend Update: This week at a glance...

Wow! What a busy week we have ahead of us. I've tried to summarize it all here, but I've surely missed something. I'll send out a Remind notification if I need to update this page.


Normal day of learning, but we are squeezing in a gym class because we will miss our gym classes this week due to other activities. We will do our best to take advantage of the nice weather this week and get outside as much as possible.

A new student is joining us today.

Extra Glee practice first half of first break.


Period 5-6: Dress rehearsal for the holiday concert—for students only.


Period 3: Visit the Book Fair to purchase books.

2:30 matinee performance of the holiday concert.

6:00 evening performance of the holiday concert.

Tickets went home on Friday with those students who were in class. I've held two tickets for those who were away and will send them home Monday. Check the front pocket of the agenda.


Primary rotations with the grades 1-3 classes. We mix it up and rotate though all three primary classrooms for some fun activities.


Pajama Day! No slippers, please. Regular indoor shoes for safety.

Period 3: Sing along in the gym with our uber talented guitarist Mrs. Dodds.

Short day. Dismissal is at 2:15. Supervision until 2:30.


And then we relax and have a well deserved two weeks off. Yay!