The Ontario Ministry of Education outlines six learning skill categories which are reported on in the November Progress Report, and in the February and June Report Cards. Students hear their teachers talk about what it means to develop their learning skills as a way to improve their overall academic success. The learning skills are listed below, along with some examples of the language students might hear relating to each one.
- I follow the classroom and school expectations.
- I take care of my own things (backpack, lunch bag, and agenda).
- I clean up quickly when it is time to move on to another activity.
- I finish my homework assignments on time.
- I use my time wisely in class to complete my work.
- I remember the things I need for class (pencil case, agenda, gym shoes).
- I put class materials away where they belong when I am finished with them.
- I use the resources in the classroom (word wall, anchor charts) independently.
Independent Work
- I listen to and follow the instructions given to me.
- My work is neat and organized.
- I check my work before I hand it in.
- I can stay focused on my work during class time.
- When I am working in a group, I help as much as I can.
- I try to get along with others on the playground and in the classroom.
- I respect my friends’ ideas and opinions.
- When I don’t agree with someone, I try to find a solution to the problem.
- I am helpful in the classroom.
- I listen during lessons without interrupting others.
- I raise my hand to share my ideas during classroom discussions.
- I try to answer questions that I think are tricky.
- I make an attempt before I ask for help.
- I fix my mistakes independently.
- I look for ways to improve my work.
- I try hard to figure out questions on my own.
- I ask questions when I am not sure what to do.
- I set goals for myself when I talk to the teacher about my work.
- I try to achieve my goals.