Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Wednesday, November 4

And we're back in business! Big thanks to all the parents who have been keeping in touch via email over the last few weeks. I appreciate it when you reach out to me with concerns because sometimes keeping up with 23 sets of parents is difficult to juggle. As always, if you have concerns, email is the best way to find me. I strive for a 1 business day turnaround time if it's humanly possible. (I take a tech break every weekend.)

I have to say that I really enjoyed the Halloween costumes the kids wore last week. It was really fun to play dress-up and hit the dance floor with them.

I have so much to share, but I'll start with a Raz-Kids update. We are migrating to a new teacher account. Once that has happened, I'll send home new cards in the front pockets of the agendas with the new information. Stay tuned.

Ms. S