Sunday, 2 October 2016

Weekend Update: Sunday, October 2

Welcome to October! (Wait a minute. Where did September go?)

This month we will be watching the leaves on the trees as they continue to change and fall. We will also be discussing Thanksgiving traditions and celebrations. Later in the month we will be discussing Halloween, including safety and the community helpers who are around to make sure we are safe if we choose to go trick-or-treating. We also have a field trip coming up. More details on that are on the way. Did you know that you can find the Ontario curriculum documents online? Here's the link:

Indoor shoes are a must: As the weather changes, it's becoming more and more crucial to ensure that our kiddos have proper indoor shoes at school. Muddy and wet shoes should not be worn in the classroom because mud and water on the floor are not only unpleasant but they can also create safety hazards. On our Phys. Ed. days, Tuesdays and Fridays, the kiddos cannot participate in gym activities without proper indoor shoes.

Extra change of clothes is highly recommended: Since school started, we have had several unexpected circumstances that have caused several of our kiddos to need a change of clothes. Accidents do happen! Please ensure your child has a season appropriate change of clothes available at school in a clearly marked plastic bag.

Raz-Kids: The school board has asked us to be patient while they work on centrally populating our class rosters in Raz. As soon as I have confirmation that it's set up, forwarding that info to our families will be my number one priority.

Wednesday, October 5 is Walk to School Day: Our Eco Club is encouraging everyone to walk or bike to school this Wednesday.

Two Short Weeks!: Because we have a four day long weekend coming up, we have two short weeks ahead of us. This Friday is a PD Day. Monday is Thanksgiving. I hope everyone has a wonderful time with their families. 

Have a wonderful week!