Thursday, 21 April 2016

Thursday, April 21 - A little bit of homework for the long weekend

Happy Weekend!

I fixed the pictures in the previous post... click here to jump over and take a look.

We've been talking about Air and Water in the Environment in Science and we are also talking about descriptive words (adjectives!). Today's agenda message invites the kiddos to think about the weather each day over the weekend and list (in the agenda is fine) any descriptive words they can think of to describe what's happening with the weather. We are not looking for nouns (sun, rain, wind) or verbs (shining, raining, blowing).

For example:

  • If it's raining, they might say gloomy, dreary, gray, soggy, damp, blah, etc. 
  • If it's cold, they might say chilly, windy, cool, wintry, blustery, etc.