Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Wednesday, April 27 - Day 1 with the butterfly kit!

Today we took a look at the contents of our painted lady butterfly kit and took some notes about the questions we have about what we found. 

We Wonder...

  • Will the caterpillars grow bigger? TB
  • How do they  make cocoons? MG
  • How much do they eat every day? GG
  • How much do they drink? MS
  • Do they turn green? SG
  • How often will we need to feed them? CN
  • How long does it take until they turn into butterflies? KC
  • Do they sleep? SK
  • Will each butterfly have its own pattern? KT
  • Will we get to hold them? TB
  • What colour are the butterflies? DB
  • Do they have certain colours if they are male or female? JL
  • Do they smell? (Do they have noses that work AND do they give off an odor?) SG
  • How many caterpillars are there? LP
  • Can they see us? GG
  • Are they going to be fuzzy? SG
  • Are they all the same colour? MS
  • Are they all going to go into cocoons at the same time and hatch at the same time? KT
  • Do they see colours? AS
  • Will we let them fly around the class? KT
  • Do they poop? SK
  • What do they drink? SG
  • Where do they poop? MS
  • How many babies do butterflies have? SG
  • What is the food for the larvae made of? SG/TB
  • What do butterflies eat? SG/TB

Here are some pictures of the kit and the final outcome of the day, which was getting the babies into their own little cups so we can watch them grow.

The traveling vessel for the larvae. That brown stuff is their food!

The contents of the kit.

Little homes for the babies to grow in for a couple of weeks. Each one will eventually make its chrysalis by hanging from the top of the container.

All our little friends. Everyone had a chance to move one to its own container. 
And now we watch and wait patiently to see what happens. We will make observations every day to as they grow up.

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Weekend Update: Sunday, April 24

Just a quick note to let everyone know we are painting in Art class tomorrow morning. Ms. Douglas has asked that you please make sure the kiddos are not wearing their Sunday best tomorrow.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Thursday, April 21 - A little bit of homework for the long weekend

Happy Weekend!

I fixed the pictures in the previous post... click here to jump over and take a look.

We've been talking about Air and Water in the Environment in Science and we are also talking about descriptive words (adjectives!). Today's agenda message invites the kiddos to think about the weather each day over the weekend and list (in the agenda is fine) any descriptive words they can think of to describe what's happening with the weather. We are not looking for nouns (sun, rain, wind) or verbs (shining, raining, blowing).

For example:

  • If it's raining, they might say gloomy, dreary, gray, soggy, damp, blah, etc. 
  • If it's cold, they might say chilly, windy, cool, wintry, blustery, etc. 

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Tuesday, April 19 - Books, books, books, and a couple of pics!

Two book-related things to update:

1. Scholastic flyers went home today. I'll place the order next Tuesday, April 26.

2. Orders for books by Philip Roy will be accepted until further notice. There will be a cutoff date (probably next week sometime?) and I will send an update when I know for sure.

Philip Roy also makes art out of found, recycled items. The kids should be able to tell you all about what they are and what they're made of. 

Super storyteller, Philip Roy.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Thursday, April 14 - Info for tomorrow's field trip

Just a quick update to let everyone know how tomorrow will work with our field trip.

Second break: lunch/hot lunch

3rd period we will start getting ready to leave.

We should be back by 2:30, at which time we will have a snack. After that we will do some integrated activities with the grades 1 and 3 classes.

Apparently the weather will be awesome, so we'll be ready for some outside time at the end of the day.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Sunday, April 10 - Weekend Update

Assemblage Sculptures
We will be doing an interesting Art project on April 18th. This will be another assignment you’ll want to keep! Please send into school a Ziplock bag labeled with your child’s name with an assortment of small “things.” Anything you can imagine is a go (milk bottle caps, wooden spools, bottle caps, small lids, paper clips, beads, pennies, pasta noodles, old keys, pebbles, buttons).
Ms. Douglas

Field Trip on Friday
The primary classes are heading to Aldershot to see a Robert Munsch presentation. 
- Permission forms went home late last week and are due back on Wednesday this week. 
- A note to anyone who paid on cashless: It should have been set up for $10 and was mistakenly set up at $15 for a short time. If you paid too much, you will be reimbursed. 
- Because this is a ticketed event and we have a limited number of tickets, we are not asking for parent volunteers to join us.   

Also coming up this week... 
- Reading buddies continue on Tuesday and Thursday
- Wednesday is Pink Shirt Day (It's a great time to have conversations with our kids about how colours should not be associated with specific genders—i.e. pink is not a girl colour, blue is not a boy colour.)