Sunday 20 September 2015

Weekend Update: Sunday, September 20

One last post before I have to go silent on the blog for obvious reasons. Please contact me via phone or email if you need anything. I'm still very much here to ensure the safety and success of the members of our class.

Friday this week is our Terry Fox event. The weather forecast is calling for fair weather with lots of sunshine. Please ensure your child comes equipped to spend a good chunk of time outside that afternoon (at least an hour). Proper footwear, hats, and sunscreen are all recommended.

Until we meet again...

Thursday 17 September 2015

Thursday, September 17

Let's talk about shoes! 

Please ensure your child has indoor shoes at school. We have already discussed in class how important it is that wet and muddy footwear stays in the coat hook area of our classroom. For safety reasons, we cannot afford to have dirt and water on the floor of our classroom or the gym. 

Our gym periods are on Wednesday and Friday this year. The Ministry of Ontario requirement for participation in physical education activities is proper footwear: non-marking running shoes.   

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Wednesday, September 9

Pets in our class...

10 people have cats

3 people have dogs

1 person has a hamster

1 person has a guinea pig

3 people have fish

1 person has a bird

1 person has a rabbit

6 people don't have pets at home

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Tuesday, September 8

Happy First Day Back!

Welcome to grade 2! I thank all the parents who endured the drippy weather this morning to come by and introduce themselves. I promise I won't remember any of your names after the first introduction, :), so please let's keep in touch so I can get to know you all better over the next few weeks and months. And for those I didn't meet today, I look forward to connecting with you soon.

In the agendas for today, we didn't write anything, but I would appreciate your signature so I can confirm that your child has shown it to you. There are four papers in the front pocket of the agendas today:

- letter to parents (includes contact information for Ms. S)
- survey (to be returned to Ms. S)
- green and blue hot lunch forms (to be returned if you plan on participating the hot lunch program)

There's also a student information sheet in everyone's backpack to fill out for the office record keeping.

As you'll no doubt hear from your child, it's hotter than the blazes in our classroom right now. We have a day or so left of this crummy heat wave to endure before we see better temperatures inside and outside. Please ensure your child has a refillable water bottle at school and is dressed in light clothes. I will do my best to ensure that we are not doing anything overly strenuous so we can avoid getting too overheated.

Please feel free to contact me if there's anything I can do to help you and your child transition to grade 2.

Ms. Stevenson

Tuesday 1 September 2015

All About Ms. Stevenson

Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! My name is Ms. Kelly Stevenson, and I am thrilled to be teaching class 1/2 this year at Falgarwood. Parents, students, other staff: Let's work together to make this an amazing year!

Some things you might like to know about me:
  • Literacy is my greatest passion as a teacher. If you can read, the world is your oyster. 
  • I am a second career teacher. I went to teachers college when I was 35. I used to work in software development and telecommunications and wore many hats: technical writer, business analyst, process specialist, project manager. I'm a big fan of using technology in the classroom.
  • I love yoga, Starbucks tea, and my cat. 
  • I'm working part-time on a masters degree, so sometimes I'm a student too. 
  • I love to travel. My most recent trip was to Japan and Korea. 
This is my wee little princess, Blank.