- Please fill out the bottom of pages 3-4 and return it ASAP.
- Please return the envelope so we can reuse it in June.
- Please email me if you would like to sit down and chat about your child's progress.
Ms. Douglas has sent home some art today as well. She asks that you spend some time looking through it as a family and reflecting on how awesome it is. Here's a little note from her.
Dear Families,
The grade two students are bringing home a collection of their artwork today. They are quite proud of their work and are eager to show it to you. Together, please look through it and answer the following questions:
Our favourite piece of artwork is _____________because__________
The one we feel can be improved is ____________________. This could be done by ____________
We find ___________________ to be most interesting because _____________________________
Please write the answers on a piece of paper and return it by Friday.
Ms. Douglas